Zepter International

Phone: +381 11 306 3800

Terazije 10, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

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Master Chef Damir Sertić

At Zepter Hotel Belgrade, the gastronomic experience is elevated to a higher level by our Master Chef Damir Sertić, a renowned expert with extensive experience in the culinary world. With a passion for creating exquisite dishes and a commitment to every detail, Damir Sertić is the perfect choice for those seeking to enjoy authentic and sophisticated flavors. Damir Sertić is known for his creative approach to cooking, blending traditional ingredients with modern techniques. Through years of experience in Michelin-starred restaurants, he has gained the knowledge and skills that make him exceptional in his field.

A culinary master with a passionate approach.

Master Chef Damir Sertić je osvojio brojne prestižne nagrade koje potvrđuju njegov izuzetni talenat i stručnost. Među najvažnijim dostignućima izdvaja se prvo mesto na takmičenju International Chef Best Artist Chef Yi Yin Platinum Award, gde je stekao priznanje za vrhunski kulinarski rad na međunarodnoj sceni. Takođe, 2024. godine, Damir Sertić je dobio Taste Award nagradu za najboljeg chefa u Srbiji, čime je još jednom potvrđeno njegovo mesto među najboljima u gastronomskom svetu. U Zepter Hotelu Beograd, Master Chef Damir Sertić kreira jelovnik koji je pravi raj za ljubitelje fine hrane. Bilo da uživate u sofisticiranim degustacijama, poslovnim ručkovima ili posebnoj večeri, svaki obrok pripremiće se sa pažnjom i brigom o najvišim standardima gastronomije.

Exquisite flavors at Zepter Hotel.

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